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May 25, 2022
3 Barrington Teachers have won in their complaint against the School Committee for an Open Meetings Act violation announcing a vaccine, booster, and mask mandate in Barrington Public Schools.
Among many notable points made by the judge, his decision states:
"A new protocol setting policy during a pandemic is not only important to the teacher-plaintiffs, but it is reasonable to conclude that it would be important to the district’s 3366 students, their parents, administrators, other teachers, visitors to the schools and to the public at large.
With minimal and vague notice, it is reasonable to conclude that few knew of the actions being taken. There is no evidence to prove otherwise. The teachers who would be required to be vaccinated were not advised of the proposed change directly, or through the required public notice. Students and parents were not advised."
The judge's full decision can be read here
Attorney for the teachers, Greg Piccirilli, issued a press release:

Additional articles are here and on our In The News page:
School Committee found in violation of Open Meetings Act
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