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Attend Superior Court Hearing, Tuesday, May 31, 10am

Barrington Parents United

May 25, 2022



Tuesday, May 31st

10:00 AM

Superior Court (250 Benefit Street, Providence)

Court Room 1

The attorney for plaintiffs is Southwell v. McKee (aka the mask mandate lawsuit) is filing an emergency injunction in an effort to stop Providence School Department from enforcing their current mask mandate. Even if you are not from Providence, if you want to be able to decide your child(ren)'s mask wearing, it is still important to you because of the case law precedent it will set.

The outcome of winning this injunction is every child's freedom to breathe freely. If we do not win, your school district could become like Providence with the Superintendent forcing your children back into masks. What is at risk here is the Superintendent of your school being able to make health and safety decisions over your objection. We the parents need to to make these decisions for our children.

The hearing is this coming Tuesday, May 31st at 10:00 AM in the Superior Court (250 Benefit Street, Providence) Court Room 1, PLEASE COME! Parents, grandparents, children all are welcome! We need a large showing!! In a preliminary hearing this past Tuesday Judge Lanphear likened allowing Superintendents to make the decision to mask our children whenever they like to them calling a snow day. We need to show up so he can see we don't consider this anything like a snow day.

Attorney Greg Piccirilli will be hosting a Zoom meeting on Friday night where he will review what is happening in more detail and you will have the opportunity to ask questions. Please e-mail us if you would like zoom log in credentials.

Please e-mail us if you would like to review the most recent documented legal filings.

Please forward this email to all your friends and neighbors who support mask choice for kids in school!

Thank you and see you in Superior Courtroom #1 on Tuesday!

Judge may give Superintendents power to mandate masks. Providence Schools added to Lawsuit. Attend the hearing!

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